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Hello All

Message par Inkywolf » 30 Janvier 2022, 15:43

Joined the board looking for some obscure horror and erotic comics ^_^ I started with Fumetti Erotici and slowy crossed borders through all the worlds horror and erotic comics. Specifically trying to make a comprehensive list of instances with circuses / circus elephants in both horror and erotic comics as well as wild elephants. As I think they are generally under used and serve as great horror devices. Let me know if you have seen any rare instances of these things :3

J'ai rejoint le conseil d'administration à la recherche de bandes dessinées d'horreur et érotiques obscures ^ _ ^ J'ai commencé avec Fumetti Erotici et j'ai lentement traversé les frontières à travers tous les mondes de la bande dessinée d'horreur et érotique. Essayer spécifiquement de faire une liste complète des cas avec des cirques / éléphants de cirque dans les bandes dessinées d'horreur et érotiques ainsi que des éléphants sauvages. Comme je pense qu'ils sont généralement sous-utilisés et servent de grands dispositifs d'horreur. Faites-moi savoir si vous avez vu de rares exemples de ces choses : 3

Mi sono unito al consiglio alla ricerca di alcuni oscuri fumetti horror ed erotici ^_^ Ho iniziato con Fumetti Erotici e lentamente ho attraversato i confini attraverso tutti i mondi del fumetto horror ed erotico. In particolare, cercando di fare un elenco completo di casi con circhi / elefanti da circo sia nei fumetti horror che erotici, nonché elefanti selvatici. Poiché penso che siano generalmente poco utilizzati e servano come ottimi dispositivi horror. Fammi sapere se hai visto rari casi di queste cose :3
Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 30 Janvier 2022, 09:31

Re: Hello All

Message par Syd2 » 30 Janvier 2022, 17:47

Hello and welcome, Inkywolf.
I remember these few italian comics:
Oltretomba Gigante #42
Fatti di Sangue #29 (reissue of Terror #158)
Terror #206

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Inscription : 17 Juillet 2014, 02:06
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Re: Hello All

Message par Gentil-Toto » 30 Janvier 2022, 20:27

Hi and welcome Inkywolf.
What you are looking for is very specific. Here we have a few circus stories and at least, if I remember correctly, two elephant stories in the wild.
But we should find them.
This may take some time.
( Google translation. )

This is one of the stories I remember :
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Inscription : 25 Avril 2011, 01:00

Re: Hello All

Message par Inkywolf » 02 Février 2022, 20:12

Gentil-Toto a écrit :Hi and welcome Inkywolf.
What you are looking for is very specific. Here we have a few circus stories and at least, if I remember correctly, two elephant stories in the wild.
But we should find them.
This may take some time.
( Google translation. )

This is one of the stories I remember :

Circus horror always just stuck with me it is more appealing now because in 10 to 20 years circuses will probably just be a memory in most places . Thank you both for the replies ^_^
Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 30 Janvier 2022, 09:31

Re: Hello All

Message par Inkywolf » 04 Février 2022, 05:31

Alright quick follow up anyone seen TERROR N.63 ODISSEA DI UN SADICO (D3) floating around?
Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 30 Janvier 2022, 09:31

Re: Hello All

Message par Gentil-Toto » 05 Février 2022, 19:42

Inkywolf a écrit :Alright quick follow up anyone seen TERROR N.63 ODISSEA DI UN SADICO (D3) floating around?

In french.
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Message(s) : 7101
Inscription : 25 Avril 2011, 01:00

Re: Hello All

Message par Inkywolf » 07 Février 2022, 08:11

Gentil-Toto a écrit :
Inkywolf a écrit :Alright quick follow up anyone seen TERROR N.63 ODISSEA DI UN SADICO (D3) floating around?

In french.

Much appreciated thank you :)
Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 30 Janvier 2022, 09:31

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